Saturday, April 30, 2016

Zero Pain #AtoZChallenge pain.  Well, that's a dream for a chronic pain sufferer like me.  But a sweet dream I will keep on hoping for!  Come on medical science...catch up!

For anyone interested in knowing a little bit more about me and why I have chronic pain, please see my About Me page.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello to me during this year's A to Z Challenge!

For a complete list of all my posts from this years challenge, please visit my A to Z 2016 page here


  1. I don't have chronic pain, but there is a bit of nasty pain I have to deal with. I know how you feel about waiting for the pain killers to kick in. Did that earlier today and yesterday.
    Congrats on making it through the challenge.

  2. Kudos on the wrap-up, Katie! Great job! It's been a pleasure to get to know you this month, and I hope we'll stay in touch. Thank you for your beautiful comments over at Life In Dogs — they meant the world :)

  3. Hoping for a zero pain for you soon. This was a great A to Z this year. I enjoyed stopping by. Now if you'll excuse me, time to get some sleep.

    1. Thanks for all the visits Jeffrey! It was great getting to know you!

  4. Once again it's been a blast reading your A-Z Challenge posts and I certainly hope that medical breakthroughs will result in helping reduce and eradicate your daily pain. Now go and celebrate that you've made it to the end of the Challenge - may I suggest a large rainbow cookie????
    Stormy’s Sidekicks
    Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Now you've made me hungry! :) Thanks for all the visits Pempi!

  5. In the past 24 years I've had three low back surgeries on the same disk. I've lived with my flavor of chronic pain for almost half of my life. As you know, it's never fun. I'm glad we became blog pals and even though the challenge is over, I'll be stopping by to pester you regularly and hope you do the same!

  6. I had not clue about your chronic pain and this rare bone disease that you have, but I so love son's nickname for you. Clever guy!My daily complaints pale in comparison to what's on your plate and I'm always humbled when I find someone else who suffers more than me. Attitude to get through the bad stuff is a positive drive to see you through the day and I kinda think that's you. It has to be, to endure what life has dished you. Anyhow, thanks for sharing a great "Z" prompt that many can associate with and find hope in a zero pain hour, day, week, or life! Congrats on finishing the A2Z challenge, my friend!

    1. Everyone has their crosses to bare...some have heavier ones than others :) Thanks for the visit!
