Friday, April 29, 2016

Yellow Sunshiney Days #AtoZChallenge

...yellow sunshiney days.  Being a chronic pain sufferer, I also struggle with depression.  And anyone who has ever suffered from depression can tell you that we need the sunshine.  Need.  Like we need air to breathe, I need sunshine to help me feel better...both mentally and physically.

What is your favorite thing to do on a beautiful day?
Do you find that the sunshine, or lack thereof, affects your mood or health?


  1. I could not live in a Yellow Submarine, I would need the Yellow Sunshine also. Yes, I suffer from depression too so I know EXACTLY what you are talking about. Living in the Midwest, unfortunately, means I don't see the sun very often in winter. This spring has been really rough too, so many rainy overcast, cold days. I may need to move to Arizona, but I could not stand so much heat.

    1. I had the same thought about Arizona, but I don't want that heat either!

  2. In Egypt, we have about 360 cloudless, sunny days per year. Perhaps that's why most everyone here is cheerful. Keep soaking up those rays, Katie!

  3. I think not only pain sufferers but creative people in general have that particular crack in their vases. Depression can be brutal. I have noticed that, while I don't like heat, I've come to love the beach and the sun. Something about them unknots the wires in my brain and suddenly I remember what "Happy" feels like.
