Monday, April 11, 2016

Italian Food #AtoZChallenge

...Italian food. My grandmother, who was Italian, made the most delicious food ever.  Just thinking about her chicken parmesan makes my mouth water.  A few years ago I had a craving for artichokes, just like my grandma used to make, so I called up my mom and asked her for the recipe.  I must say, they came out pretty good!  Not quite like grandmas, but I bet she would have been proud.

I couldn't find the pic of the artichokes I made, so here are some my cousin made with my grandma's recipe

For those not accustomed to authentic Italian food, just a FYI...Olive Garden and Domino's aren't real Italian.  Here's a funny clip on Domino's, by my favorite comedian, Jim Gaffigan...

Do you have a favorite Italian food dish?


  1. I've had some good lasagne from an Italian restaurant before. Probably my favourite Italian dish. Also, I love Jim Gaffigan. He's so funny, and for the most part, clean. So I can watch him with my kids.

    1. Yes! Love watching Gaffigan with my kiddos too.

  2. Absolutely LOVE your 'Happiness is' theme! So great and positive. I love Italian food :) I once had an Italian roommate who would just cook the most wonderful pasta. Dropping by from for the A-Z Challenge. Good luck!

  3. Love my family's recipe for lasagna and canoli cake.

    Joy @ The Joyous Living

    1. Canoli cake???? CANOLI CAKE??? Please share!

  4. Italian food. Yes. Olive Garden and Domino's. No. And thank you for saying that. Where I live in New York City, there's a pizzeria on every block and still Domino's and Papa John's have proliferated. I don't understand. And nothing beats a stuffed artichoke, by the way...

  5. Holy crap! That video is so funny. I had to send that to my husband!

    We're not Italian, but I grew up surrounded by Italians that had moved out of the 'City' aka NYC.

    I learned to make all kinds of great food as long as I swore to share it with family and friends. Also, I was under strict orders to call it sauce, not gravy, and to use my hands when I speak. :)

    Great memory from your family! We can never make it 'just like' but each recipe we make a bit our own. Pass it down!
