Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Total Ankle Replacement: 11 & 5 months Post-Op ROM Video

STAR -- Total Ankle Replacement was done on my left ankle (#1) in June 2013, and my right ankle (#2) in December 2013.  This shows ROM (range of motion) on May 6, 2014...approximately 11 months post-op for #1, and 5 months post-op for #2.

Here is the comparison from my last video where I was 5.5 months out with ankle #1.

For a full set of all of my ankle replacement posts, please click on the Total Ankle Replacement tab.

I'm happy to answer any questions that you may have.  Please comment below, or email me privately at:  thecyborgmom@gmail.com


  1. I was one of those who swore I'd never have surgery performed on my body. Two C-sections later... Yeah. I can't even imagine both ankles being out of commission. I've broken both of mine and had a 2nd degree sprain with one, but both at the same time? Whew! You are a survivor!

    1. I didn't do them at the exact same time...my surgeon wouldn't let me...but I wanted too! I like getting things over and done with.

  2. Morning Katie... I can't imagine going through what you went through. That said... You're rockin' one very hot pair of socks in your video! (I hope that made you smile).

    Happy Healing and have a great day!

  3. May God give you a speedy recovery. I don't know what I'd do without my ankles since I stand for a living. I'm hairdresser.

    Hugs and chocolate!

    1. "hugs and chocolate"...:D Thanks Shelly!
