Friday, February 27, 2015

Celebrate The Small Things -- Feb 27

It's Friday and I'm Celebrating The Small Things!  The brainchild of Viklit, Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration where some bloggers have decided to post about something worth matter how big or small it is.  I am thrilled to co-host this wonderful bloghop!

This week I'm celebrating
  • buying our Disney park tickets!!  Woot!  Seems just a little more official now.  My bank account isn't quite as happy about this celebration ;)  
  • Saving about $116 by purchasing our tickets with Undercover Tourist instead of through Disney.  I got our tickets through them last time we went, so I know they are a trustworthy site.
  • My adorable nephews.  I absolutely love when my family posts pics on Facebook of all the chicklets, and last week there were these gems...

These kids are just the cutest little stinkers!  I told my family that if these two ever got together, we should all look out because they would join forces and destroy us all.  I'm sure my grandmother is up in heaven just giggling at these two!

What are you celebrating? 

If you'd like to Celebrate The Small Things, visit our wonderful host, Lexa @ Lexa Cain for more information.  And don't forget to visit my wonderful co-host:  LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge

To celebrate with us, sign up with the linky below: 

Friday, February 20, 2015

Celebrate The Small Things -- Feb 20

It's Friday and I'm Celebrating The Small Things!  The brainchild of Viklit, Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration where some bloggers have decided to post about something worth matter how big or small it is.  I am thrilled to co-host this wonderful bloghop!

This week I'm celebrating
  • getting a bit more sleep!  Althought the hubby is still waking up at 6am for work, I was able to get more sleep this week because...
  • the kids had off Monday and had snow days Tuesday and Wednesday!  So I got to spend some extra time sleeping in, and had some extra lovin from the kiddos.  I've really needed both lately since being stuck in the house is really starting to mess with my brain.  
  • Sunny days.  I struggle with depression, and the winter is tougher because we usually have less sunlight.  Well, over the past week, I've had lots of sunny days...which I desperately need right now!  Say a prayer that this depression doesn't get too much worse!

Sorry for my absence over the past week...if I don't go downstairs, I don't end up on my pc.  Hoping to make it downstairs this weekend and do a little blog hopping! 

What are you celebrating? 

If you'd like to Celebrate The Small Things, visit our wonderful host, Lexa @ Lexa Cain for more information.  And don't forget to check out her co-hosts:  LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge, and Katie @ TheCyborgMom

The old linky will be retired, please sign up at the new linky below: 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sub-Talar Fusion 4 Week Update

Not surprisingly, my first week post-op I experienced a bunch of pain, even though I went home with a lot of medicines. On the good ole pain scale...which is probably different from the average pain level would vary from a 4-7. The best news is that the only real pain that I had from this surgery lasted about a week. After my first six days of feeling not myself because of the prescription meds, I stopped taking them and haven't looked back. They were definitely messing with me and making me feel not myself. This is the first time I've ever had this kind of response to prescription pain meds before...and all of them were meds that I had taken before. It was kinda scary, but I'm glad that I was able to recognize what was going on and take myself off of them. Oddly enough, after I stopped taking them, the pain in my foot stopped too.

The only pain I did feel during that first week was in my heel. I was able to ice it mildly by putting my foot on an ice pack, since the heel part of my foot was mostly just bandages (I went home from the hospital in a temporary splint). Sometimes I'd place the ice pack behind my knee, which also helped. At my 2 week post-op check up I had my stitches taken out and a cast put on. Because I had really only experienced pain at my heel, I was surprised to see that I had four in my heel, and three on the outside of my ankle. After they removed the stitches, they put some steri-strips on the incisions, and asked me what color cast I wanted.

This cast that I have on will be an extended part of my body for six weeks I have another 4 weeks to go from now. The hardest part has been that I'm NWB (non-weight bearing) until I get this cast off. At that point, this cast will come off and another one will put on...but I can start putting weight on that one. They call it a walking cast. My doc says that they leave you in a cast to keep the fusion stable, but the weight bearing encourages bone growth.

So that's where I am today...just waiting...luckily, without pain...waiting until March 17th, the day I get my second cast on and am told I can walk again. It's getting very boring just sitting around!

Any suggestions on how to pass my time?

Friday, February 13, 2015

Celebrate The Small Things -- Feb 13

It's Friday and I'm Celebrating The Small Things!  Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration where some bloggers have decided to post about something worth matter how big or small it is.  I am thrilled to co-host this wonderful blog!

This week I'm celebrating our normal 7am family wake up time.  In the grand scheme of things, 7am is pretty reasonable.  And because my husband works so close to home, we can all wake up at the same time together.  This week my husband needed to get into work early, and so he's been getting up at 6am...and I've been getting up at that time too!  Grrrrr!  What a difference an hour makes!  I've been so tired and cranky all week.  I can't wait to get back to our regular 7am!  How did I ever wake up at 5am for work and school when I was younger???

So let's celebrate 7am and the fact that today is the ending to a long and tired week!

What are you celebrating? 

If you'd like to Celebrate The Small Things, visit our wonderful host, Lexa @ Lexa Cain for more information.  And don't forget to check out her co-hosts:  LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge, and Katie @ TheCyborgMom

The old linky will be retired, please sign up at the new linky below: 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Celebrate The Small Things -- Feb 6

It's Friday and I'm Celebrating The Small Things!  Celebrate The Small Things is a weekly celebration where some bloggers have decided to post about something worth matter how big or small it is.  I am thrilled to co-host this wonderful blog!

This week I'm celebrating:
  • The families and individuals that have made the difficult decision to have their bodies, or the bodies of loved ones, donated to science.  I joked around on facebook this week that I'm part zombie because I have cadaver bone in my right ankle (from my last procedure--subtalar fusion), but the reality is that without those people making the sacrifice, I wouldn't have been able to have my surgery.  And this surgery should, hopefully, help me walk with less pain and improve the quality of my life.  I am very grateful for my "zombie" parts!
  • If you're paying attention...this makes me a Zombie that's cool :)
  • Getting my new cast on.  While it sucks to have a cast, this begins the 6 week NWB (non-weight bearing) part of my recovery.  Let the countdown begin!
  • My niece, Josephine, who thinks my cast is awesome because, you know, it's purple.  And purple is her favorite.
  • My kiddies, who have been sick over the last couple of weeks.  Last week I had my daughter home and this week it was my son's turn.  Even though they were sick and feeling icky, they still managed to help their old mom out...I love them to bits!!!
  • My mommy...who sent me a get well card that truly brightened my day...thanks mom!  I love you and wished you lived closer!

What are you celebrating? 

If you'd like to Celebrate The Small Things, visit our wonderful host, Lexa @ Lexa Cain for more information.  And don't forget to check out her co-hosts:  LG Keltner @ Writing Off the Edge, and Katie @ TheCyborgMom

The old linky will be retired, please sign up at the new linky below: