Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Seated Scooter—Non Weight Bearing Option

As most of you know already, my whole body suffers from arthritis, and recently I've been having problems with my right thumb. When you are NWB (non-weight bearing), your upper body really has to do a lot more work than usual. There is increased pressure on your hands, elbows, and shoulders when using a walker or crutches to get around. In anticipation for my surgery next week, and having to be NWB for 6 weeks after my sub-talar fusion surgery, I ordered a scooter to help me get around and take some of the pressure off my upper body.

 This is what I ordered... Roscoe Medical Gemini Scooter With Padded Seat  I ordered it from Amazon (shocking, I know...seriously, I buy everything from this place!) for about $340, which is more than the wheelchair I bought a couple of years ago! Most people that have to be NWB for some time get knee walkers to make getting around a little easier. Here is an example of a knee walker: Roscoe Knee Scooter  Those are a great option for many, but because I've had my knees replaced, it would cause me a lot of pain to use one. This seated scooter is a similar idea, except it has a seat instead of a platform for your knee ( scooter has a knee attachment, just in case you want both options).  Many thanks to the person who originally posted about this option on my ankle replacement forum several months ago...wish I knew about it sooner!

So, fingers crossed that it helps! And if it doesn't, well, my son thinks it's the “best toy ever”, and has been riding it around the house for the past few days. The night my husband put it together (it took about 5 minutes—no tools needed), my son's response was: “This thing is epic! ...can I have one?”

You think he'll let me use it? You know, for medical reasons? I'm hoping I can get my wedge back...currently that's being used as a back prop for easier tv watching while in bed :)


  1. It seems to fit the need. Hope everything turns out good for you.

  2. My mom had foot surgery and got one of those scooters where you put one knee on it and push with the other leg. She had a blast speeding around her office. You have to find thrills where you can! Hope your surgery goes well and you heal quickly.

  3. It looks like it will work. I love your son's attitude. It reminds me of how I felt about my dad's crutches and my grandfather's wheelchair. My dad lost his leg as a teen and spent a few years at a charity children's hospital. He knew every trick on crutches and in a wheelchair so I remember daydreaming about being able to "walk" the stairs in a wheelchair as a kid . . . I didn't have the courage to try it though.

  4. And, I'll be praying for your swift recovery!

  5. Don't go speeding! Get well soon Katie. X

  6. That looks like fun! Hope it helps you (when you get it back).

  7. I really like your positive attitude. Hope the surgery goes well and the scooter works. It sounds perfect.

  8. I've never seen anything like that before. I kept looking at it, trying to figure out where the engine/battery was -- that should give you a clue about my level of fitness! lol I wish you a good surgery, quick recovery, and that your son lets you have your scooter back! :)

  9. This looks like it should really help you out. I hope it does take the strain off your back a little bit. I've seen one of these scooters for a kid before and it looked very effective so I'm glad you were able to find something similar to that for you. I hope things go well with your surgery.

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  12. I received the Gemini push scooter yesterday regaring my issue with Plantar Fascitis.... It basically was helpful..even using my sore foot to push..It's helful because I'm not putting full weight on heel.

    Problem with Gemini...wheels are not air tires. A pebble or sidewalk crack makes it turn or stop in its tracks.

  13. I received the Gemini push scooter yesterday regaring my issue with Plantar Fascitis.... It basically was helpful..even using my sore foot to push..It's helful because I'm not putting full weight on heel.

    Problem with Gemini...wheels are not air tires. A pebble or sidewalk crack makes it turn or stop in its tracks.
