Grammar Nazi's--settle down.
Surgerized is a word my son made up. He's ten. And super cute and
funny. So now I use it in my vocabulary.
Below is a list of all the things to get done before I go into surgery again. Some of these things I won't have to do again (like buy a wheelchair), but I listed them anyway, so anyone getting ready for this surgery will have a good place to start. *All the things that are starred are items I already own from my last surgery.
- Get pre-op physical from regular, family doctor
- Do pre-op interview with hospital
- Schedule babysitting for kids
- Contact kids school about absences
- Clean the house
- Pay bills
- Pack bag for hospital
- Get haircut
- Stop Celebrex
- Make some extra food to freeze for extra meals
- Clean out refrigerator
- Make room in freezer for ice. We didn't know this for ankle #1...after that surgery they sent me home with a Polar Care Cube Cold Therapy Unit
(which is genius and one of those things I wish I invented). Click here for my post on the awesomeness of the polar cube.
Items to purchase:
- *Shower Bench
- Cast protector for shower. Click here for a cool cast care tip.
- *Wheelchair. This is the one I own: Self Transport Folding Wheelchair
- *Walker
- *Walker basket
- *Crutches
- *Ice pack for ankle. This is the one I ordered and have been happy with the size and how long it stays cold: 9x12 Comfort Gel Pack
- *Wedge for elevating foot (I was using way too many pillows before this purchase). I ordered this one: InteVision Ortho Bed Wedge
- *Get Hibiclens Antimicrobial Skin Liquid Soap
(as instructed by the orthopedist)
- *Yoga pants/sweats (anything that's an easy on/off for cast)
- Cast sock (for winter toes!)
- *Cocoa butter balm (for my scar)
- Evenup. Click here to read why this is a must have if you ever have to be in a walking boot.
Did I miss anything?
Good luck